Friday, April 27, 2012

Cara Memberi Widget Profil Twitter pada Blog

woi bro and sis...
pada bingung ngasih widget twitter di blog kita .?
nuad loe loe para blogger pemula, gue kasih tau caranya nih....

Pegen pengunjung blog loe tau aktivitas loe di twitter.?yah biar keliatan eksis gitu deh..hahaha
gue tau nih caranya and gue mau budloe loe yang pada galau gak tau caranya..hahahaha
Mari kita lihat langkahnya

Keunggulan Android dibandingkan dengan Apple

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Platform ponsel paling diminati masyarakat adalah iOS dari Apple, Android dari Google dan BlackBerry OS dari RIM. Namun ada dua OS yang bersaing ketat yaitu Android dan iPhone. Masing-masing punya penggemarnya sendiri. Seorang kontributor Yahoo News (Jared Spurbeck) mengungkapkan alasan kelebihan Android yang tidak dimiliki oleh Apple, berikut alasannya:

Banyak pilihan dan bentuk dan ukuran di Android
Jika Anda tidak suka dengan rancangan iPhone, Anda tidak bisa meng-complain, karena hanya apple yang menggunakannya. Sedangkan platform Android digunakan berbagai pabrikan ponsel. Desain dan harganya pun berbeda-beda, jadi anda bisa punya pilihan.

Android bisa game PlayStation
Di iOS memang banyak pilihan aplikasi, tapi tidak bisa digunakan bermain game PlayStation di iPhone. Kehadiran Xperia Play merupakan satu-satunya ponsel yang bisa memainkan game PlayStation di ponsel.

Bisa membeli aplikasi dari Amazon
Amazon dikenal luas memiliki aplikasi sendiri di Android, banyak pula yang gratis. Rata-rata aplikasi berbayar yang diunduh dari Amazon hanya dibanderol dengan harga $4.99.

Hal lain
iPhone tidak mendukung text reflow yang merupakan fitur Android untuk zoom in teks dalam suatu situs yang sudah fit di layar. iOS juga tidak mendukung widget di tampilan utama yang bisa memberikan pengalaman lebih ke pengguna ponsel tanpa harus membuka aplikasi.

Jadi kesimpulannya, iPhone memiliki banyak aplikasi dan desain terbaik, makanya laris manis. Sedangkan Android hadir mengisi kekurangan Apple dengan banyak aplikasi terbuka, sehingga banyak pabrikan ponsel tertarik menggunakannnya.



Hei guys bro and sis..... 
tahu gak tentang getah lambung itu apa.?
mungkin kalian thu gak tau ap sih yang di maksud dengan getah lambung, nah gue punya sedikit referensi buat kalian yang pengen lebih tau tentang apa itu getah lambung.
Lets check it dot...

Getah lambung merupakan cairan asam bening (suatu campuran sekresi) yang terdapat dalam lambung
yah lebih singkatnya sih getah lambung tu cairan isi lambung kita...hahaha

Lambung thu punya beberapa bagian lo, yah masing masing bagian thu punya peran beda beda nih.Jadi sebenarnya lambung thu punya 4 bagian yaitu:

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  • Cardia 
  • Fundus 
  • Korpus 
  • Pylorus
Nah lambung thu juga punya beberapa kelenjar, kelenjar-kelenjar thu misalnya:

  • Kelenjar oksintik / gastriks
  • Kelenjar pilorik : Mukus, pepsinogen, hormon gastrin 
Lambung thu juga mensekresikan beberapa enzim lain juga bro, yaitu:
-Lipase gastrik (tributirase) : lemak mentega
-Amilase gastrik : serat
-Gelatinase : proteoglikan daging

Sebagai organ tubuh kamu, Lambung punya tugas tersendiri yang gak dimiliki sama organ lain, tugas si lambung thu :

  • Sebagai pencernaan makanan
  • Sebagai daya reabsorbsi dari makanan yang rendah
  • Menyekresikan mukus, gastrin, dan FIE
  • Sebagai bacterisid ringan

Twitter Released Updated iPhone and Android apps

Computerworld - Twitter released updated iPhone and Android apps Thursday that make it easier for users to search and find new information.

With a growing number of people tweeting and checking tweets on the train, at the local coffee shop and even in the movie theater, mobile apps are increasingly important to Twitter. And the company took note of that with today's updated apps.

People accustomed to using the Discover tab on will now find it on their mobile app. Like the Web version, the tab will help users find out what tweets their followers have retweeted or made into favorites, according to Sung Hu Kim, a Twitter product manager, in a blog post.

Want to know who your followers are following or adding to lists? The Discover tab will tell you that, too.

Twitter also said it has improved its search function. The app update is designed to enable users to see suggestions for different spellings, as well as related terms for their queries.

Trying to find a person you follow? The Connect tab is set up to auto-complete the entry as the user types in first and last names, Kim noted.

"We've also made a few improvements specifically for iPhone: when you tap the search box in Discover, you'll see your most recent queries," Kim wrote. "You can also go directly to someone's profile when searching for a username in Connect."

Twitter also added push notifications for Interactions, so users should be alerted when their tweets are retweeted or favorited, as well as when someone new follows their account. And if a user doesn't need to be notified of every retweet or follow, they can adjust their level of connection.

The updated app for the iPhone can be downloaded from the App Store and the Android app can be found at Google Play.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 Unique Hotels in the World

What makes you want to stay in a particular hotel? Location, interior, services or architecture and facade? Today we will list 10 most unique hotels around the world that will caught your eye. Today hotels are not only about the spacious rooms and delicious canteens but they’re also about mind-boggling exteriors and quirky services that make you want to shower money for unique experience. Let’s start with more ‘traditional’ one:

Burj Al Arab Hotel, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

10 Unique Hotels Around The World
Burj Al Arab is a luxury hotel that is located at the heart of Dubai city in United Arab Emirates. It was designed to imitate sail of the ship and is the second tallest hotel in the world. Standing on the artificial island Burj Al Arab is connected to mainland by private curving bridge. It is both luxurious and unique due to its form as well as contents. The hotel has 28 double-story floors and 202 suites and also offers restraints and large seawater aquarium.

Liberty Hotel, Boston, USA
10 Unique Hotels Around The World
Liberty Hotel which used to be a Charles Street jail for Boston’s criminals for about 150 years has preserved its old looks even with restoration in 2007 during which the prison bars have been left intact and now provide aunique experience for those interested for about $313 a night.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Chocolate Caramel Almond Cheesecake

Chocolate Caramel Almond Cheesecake
A creamy dense chocolate cheesecake on a chocolate graham cracker crust, drizzled with chocolate and caramel and sprinkled with almonds

12-16 servings


Crust ingredients:
  • 1 1/2 cups chocolate graham cracker crumbs
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 5 tablespoons butter, melted
Filling ingredients:
  • 20 ounces cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch mixed with 1 tablespoon sugar (to remove lumps)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 4 large eggs, at room temperature
  • 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 12 ounces dark chocolate chips (60% cocao)
Topping ingredients:
  • 1/2 cup (3 ounces) semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • Caramel*
  • Sliced almonds

1. Make crust by combining crust ingredients and pressing into the bottom of a greased 9-inch springform pan. Bake in a pre-heated 325 degree oven for 8-10 minutes. Set pan on a wire rack to cool while you make the cheesecake batter.

2. In a large mixing bowl, gently stir the softened cream cheese with the sugar and cornstarch/sugar mixture until smooth. Add vanilla and stir.

3. Add eggs, one at a time, stirring to combine, but being gentle enough to not incorporate any extra air/bubbles into the batter.

4. In a heavy sauce pan over low heat, melt the chocolate chips with the whipping cream. When no lumps remain, remove from heat. Allow to cool slightly (but not completely -- or the chocolate will get too thick to mix!) and then stir the chocolate into the cream cheese mixture, making a dark chocolate batter.

5. Place two layers of heavy duty aluminum foil on a flat surface, and place the cooled 9-inch springform pan (with crust) on the foil. Wrap the foil snugly around the pan to make it water-proof.**

6. Pour the chocolate batter over the crust, smoothing with a spatula. Place the foil-wrapped pan in a large roasting pan, and pour boiling water into the roasting pan, to come about 1 1/2 inches up the sides of the springform pan.

7. Pre-heat the oven to 325 degrees. Place roasting pan in the middle of the oven and bake for 70-90 minutes, or until cheesecake is almost completely set (only the center will still be slightly wobbly).***

8. Remove roasting pan from the oven, and carefully take the springform pan out of the water bath and place it on a wire rack to cool. Gently remove the foil after setting cheesecake on rack.

9. Run a thin knife aroud the edges of the cheesecake, to allow it to separate from the sides of the springform. (This helps prevent cracks during cooling.) When cheesecake has cooled slightly (maybe for 20 minutes), carefully remove the outside of the springform pan. Allow cheesecake to completely cool.

10. Prepare the toppings by warming the chocolate chips and butter in a saucepan, until chocolate is melted. (Stir to remove lumps.) Allow chocolate to cool slightly. When chocolate is still warm but not hot, put it into a small plastic bag. Snip off a (small) corner of the bag to allow you to squeeze out the chocolate.

11. In a separate pan or bowl, warm the caramel enough to be able to drizzle it. Drizzle caramel over the cheesecake. Sprinkle sliced almonds on top of the caramel, and then drizzle the chocolate (from the baggie) over the almonds and caramel.

12. Refrigerate at least 4 hours before serving.

Stylish Teen Bedroom

Stylish Teen Bedroom
Teen bedroom is a multifunctional room. It’s not only a bedroom. It is a bit of everything and a whole world.Discuss the floor plan and colors with your teen to make a perfect room that will suit all their needs. They might need a desk for doing homework, their own wardrobe and some additional storage to keep things in order.
Stylish Teen Bedroom Design Ideas
We felt our fingers so cute when a cute ring in our fingers. But what will you feel when wearing those ring.?
This is unique ring around the world.Lets see it

Blinking Eyeball Rings
Blinking Eyeball Rings
These PYGMY robot rings were developed at Keio University in Japan. They blink according to different settings, including voice recognition, finger activity and remote control. They are, sadly, not yet on the market.

10 Unique Church Around the World

Unique church.?
This is the list of 10 unique church around the world.
Lets see it

Harajuku: Japanese Futuristic Church
This futuristic protestant church is located in Tokyo and it was first unveiled by the design firm of Ciel Rouge Creation in 2005. The ceiling is specially made to reverberate natural sound for 2 seconds to provide a unique listening experience for worshipers and tourists.

Harajuku Futuristic Church

Aplple Violet Ice

a great taste from a Apple Violet Ice. This is the recipe

10 Most Amazing Buildings in the World

Modern architecture has brought many amazing buildings to the world.
Quirky shapes, ambitious designs, new materials, and new different styles have come with the modern architecture into construction today. The purpose of the building is not always seen in its design. Futuristic museums and opera houses have become a usual thing. Today we list 10 most amazing buildings in the world.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Retro Decorating Style

Retro decorating style encompasses several decades from 50′s to 70′s. It brings bright atmosphere and lively colors to the interior design. Retro style is funky, bright, and fun.
Retro Decorating Style

How to Create Your Own Unique Living Room

If you like everything that stands out and tired of classic and traditional decor of your living room it’s time to learn how to create your own unique living room design. Unique living room decor is always a result of experimentation but it doesn’t mean you should not think it all out. Experimenting without really planning out the whole design thing can be risky and expensive, so the first rule is to figure out what you like. How do you imagine your living room? Start with style and color scheme. Will it be a blend of styles and how many colors and shades as well as neutrals will be there?
How to Create Your Own Unique Living Room
These are all important questions, but also do not forget about a budget. Planning decor along with the budget will help you avoid unpleasant surprises. Unique living room usually challenges the traditional color scheme, interior design and even planning. So if you want something unusual challenging the traditional square or rectangular form of the room is the easiest and the hardest thing to do. It’s easy in terms of adding an instant unique look to the room and it’s hard because it’s time- and money-consuming.

Bluberry Orange Julius

A creamy blueberry-orange smoothie with milk and a hint of vanilla.This is a delicious, slightly-sweet, flavorful orange-blueberry smoothie recipe!

Banana Vanilla Blended Ice

Banana Vanilla Blended Ice is a fresh drink for serve
How to make it.? Lets see..

Friday, April 6, 2012

5 Tips for Smoother Skin

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 It's a fact of life: Your skin ages just like the rest of you. It's constantly exposed to the elements, from the punishing sun and heat to the bitter cold and wind. It's impressive to know that it holds up as well as it does. Through the years, the largest organ in the human body weathers sunburns, acne, stretching, winter dryness and cracking, and many other damaging effects without much too complaint.

Your skin performs several crucial roles. It keeps your body temperature regulated; protects you from infection and injury; keeps moisture inside; and filters and remove impurities.

But those duties exact a price on your skin, causing it to lose elasticity and become thin, dry and cracked. Wrinkles, blemishes and spots are frequent signs of aging skin.

But if you want smooth skin for as long as possible, there are things you can do now and throughout your life to make it happen. The key to remember is that making good health choices about your skin can keep it looking younger for a longer amount of time.

That means not just being careful about your exposure to the elements, but also being careful about what you do to your body as a whole.

By following 5 simple tips, you can have healthier, smoother skin.

Trending Material Leather Bag 2012

Trending Material Leather Bag 2012

Trending Material Leather Bag 2012 – Leather bags are sometimes used as a logo of luxurious fashion. In addition to the style, leather-based materials that grew to become the fabric of the bag is among the reasons. Trending Material Leather Bag 2012 – The leather materials could be very difficult to all the time be obtainable in the marketplace that make the worth of the bag becomes increasingly expensive. Here’s a overview of Materials Leather Bag Tendencies 2012.

How to Creating New Image.?

On Creating New Image
Creating the look that makes you most comfortable and the look that your friends are most receptive is very rewarding. There is no price to pay when you're out there feeling good about yourself,


You and your true figure. Walk toward your mirror and with all honesty. How do you describe your body? What about your clothes? Does it suit your style? Which of your features do you like best? Which the least? Be subjective.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


We are glad to present you with the list of TOP 10 SHOE TRENDS FOR FALL/ WINTER 2011/ 2012. You will know that socks in shoes are again in vogue, spike heels and chunky heels compete for fashionistas’ love and that wedges will remain hot for the nest fashion season.

Despite the fact it is high summer now all fashionistas already plan their wardrobes for the next season. Being aware of this, designers have created and launched their Fall/ Winter 2011/ 2012collections as part of Fashion Weeks in four world fashion capitals or showcased their ranges in private showrooms. Having analyzed dozens of such collections we can now present the TOP 10 SHOE TRENDS FOR FALL/ WINTER 2011/ 2012. We have started from shoes because it is shoes that women think first about while picturing their future looks.

Shoe trends for Fall/ Winter 2011/ 2012 are as diverse as ever so that every woman could find something for herself. If we speak about the color scheme, then the trendiest tones for the upcoming fashion season are: black, white, stone, metallic, beige, burgundy, dark blue, chocolate, deep violet, khaki and red. Bright hues are scarce, which is normal as we prefer wearing darker colors during autumn and winter.


Buy clothes not as a reason for necessity, but as an expression of wanting to display artistry. With this in mind you will be able to communicate well in the society.

4 tips for taking care of baby's skin


There are few things better than the soft, delicate skin of a newborn…and few things worse than a cranky infant irritated by diaper rash, cradle cap, or other skin condition. In my clinic, I am asked tons of questions regarding newborn skin care. Taking care of your baby’s skin can be simple, if you know how to properly treat it and you know what to look for.

Rihanna’s Reaches The Tipping Point

Almondine nails have become the provenance of rock star exhibitionists like Fergie, Lady Gaga, and more recently Lana Del Rey. But Rihanna took things one step further, as she so often does, at the Battleship premiere in Tokyo yesterday. The singer is pulling out all the beauty stops for her big-screen blockbuster debut, and in addition to going dark for the press junket, she sported ombré, gold-black gels filed to a precise point for the movie’s Japan release. Despite the talonlike shape, there’s something subdued about the style; it comes across as edgy, but not necessarily tacky. Although maybe that’s just us. What do you think?

Broccoli and Beef Pasta

Broccoli and Beef Pasta

Broccoli and Beef Pasta
 how to make broccoli and beeff pasta. i have the recipe for you 

Springtime Risotto

Springtime Risotto

Springtime Risotto

How to make a delicious Springtime Risotto.? I'll tell you about that...
Let's Check it...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tips and Trick Make Up

Dalam mengaplikasikan make up kadangkala ada kendala-kendala untuk mendapatkan hasil yang sempurna. Mulai dari memperbaiki penampilan alis, mata, pipi, hidung, atau bibir diperlukan beberapa trik agar hasilnya seperti yang diinginkan. Kendala lain adalah bagaimana agar riasan tidak cepat luntur. Ternyata, ada trik yang praktis untuk mendapatkan hasil riasan yang sempurna.
Tips Make Up

Berbagai Macam Sepatu

Sepatu tidak hanya berfungsi sebagai alas kaki, tetapi juga telah menjadi bagian dari penampilan seseorang. Untuk sepatu wanita, model sepatu yang dijual ada berbagai macam. Informasi berikut dapat berguna untuk menambah pengetahuan tentang apa saja model alas kaki yang ada.
Beragam sepatu wanita yang ada yaitu Open Toe Shoes, Pump Shoes,Sling Back Shoes, Wedge Heel, Kitten Heel, Stiletto, Selop, Boots danSports. Anda ingin tahu apa saja perbedaan jenis sepatu ini?
mari kita lihat....

Tips Memilih Anting yang cocok

Anting, sebagai aksesoris pada telinga bila dipilih secara tepat dapat menambah keindahan penampilan. Berbagai bentuk unik dengan berbagai bahan dasar, juga dengan warna-warna yang cerah membuatnya semakin menarik untuk dikenakan. Agar penampilan Anda semakin cantik, selain dan disesuaikan dengan suasana sebaiknya anting yang digunakan disesuaikan dengan bentuk wajah. Yuk, cari model anting sebagai perhiasan yang cocok

Trik Bagaimana Cara Menghapus Semua Tweet Kamu di Twitter

Trik Bagaimana Cara Menghapus Semua Tweet Kamu di Twitter

Yak, sesuai dengan judulnya, di sini akan saya beritahukan cara menghapus semua tweet pada akunmu.
Buat apa ngapusin semua tweet? Terserah-___-Mau iseng-iseng aja, pengen menjalani hidup yang baru dengan menghapus masa lalu yang kelam, merasa twit-twitan kamu isinya galau atau absurd semua dan geli sendiri ngeliatnya, pengen ngasih akun kamu ke orang lain tapi ngga pengen keliatan twitnya, atau apa aja deh terserah kamu alasannya.
Terus kalo gitu kenapa ngga sekalian dihapus aja akunnya? O iya ya bener juga: woot: Tapi dengan menghapus akun, maka kamu akan kehilangan semua follower dan following kamu. Kalau itu memang tujuan kamu, ya udah hapus aja Tapi kalau ngga pengen kehapus, nah cara ini yang tepat untuk kamu.
Hati-hati ya semua tweet kamu tidak akan bisa dikembalikan lagi setelah dihapus!

Trik Bagaimana Cara Membuat Tanda Tangan / Signature di Blog

Trik Bagaimana Cara Membuat Tanda Tangan / Signature di Blog

Apa kamu pernah melihat tanda tangan seseorang ataupun tulisan nama produk, situs, blog, dan yang lainnya dengan tulisan bersambung yang indah? Apa kamu pikir itu ditulis manual dengan menggunakan tangan lalu discan atau menggunakan software seperti corel dan photoshop? Mungkin sebagian yang lebih advance memang begitu. Tapi kalau kamu ngga mau repot-repot dengan hal tersebut dan cuma pengen tahu jadi aja, silakan lanjutkan memabaca. Saya akan memberi tahu bagaimana cara membuat itu semua dengan sangat mudah dengan bantuan suatu situs.


Jika kita lihat wanita jepang kebanyakan langsing-langsing. Sangat jarang kita melihat orang gendut di jepang (Teringat Kata-kata guru jepang saya waktu SMA). Lalu apakah masyarakat jepang menyembunyikan sebuah cara rahasia untuk menjadi langsing dari dunia ini.


BEAST (비스트) or formerly called B2ST are six members group from South Korea, under Cube Entertainment. They bring pop electronic dance as their music genre. At October 15th, they chose to have a showcase as their debut event instead of having their debut at M! Countdown. As their popularity increased, Cube Entertainment cooperated with Universal Music for producing BEAST album outside South Korea.

NAME : BEAST / B2ST / 비스트
ORIGIN : South Korea
GENRE : Pop-Electronic-Dance
YEARS ACTIVE : 2009 (October 15th) – present
LABEL : Cube Entertainment (South Korea), Universal Music Group (International)
AGENCY : Cube Entertainment

Rahasia Kecantikan 5 Negara

Resep kecantikan wajah ini adalah berasal resep dari nenek moyang mereka. Bisa jadi mitos, tapi bisa jadi memang nyata. Ok Mari kita bahas satu persatu 5 rahasia wanita tersebut:



Big Bang is a famous boy band from Korea with their Hip Hop songs and their fashionable style. Under the care of YG Entertainment,Big Bang has  5 personnel, There are G-Dragon, TOP, Taeyang (SOL), Daesung (D-Lite), Seungri (VI).
At the first time,
 Gdragon and Taeyang will be in duo band . But the CEO (YG Appa) wont to be stuck with the cute members, but he wants to form a talented grop. And then, came be BIG BANG.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


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Original Title:

South Korea 2006


Oh Dal-gyoon

Yoo Seung-ho
Kim Hyang-ki
Ahn Kil-kang
Jeong Min-ah
Jo Deok-jae
Seo Yeong-hwa
Kim Kyeong-rae
Kim Dong-yeong
Yoo Jin-ah 

Weddind Dress

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Original Title:

Weding deureseu

South Korea 2009

Kwon Hyeong-jin

Song Yoon-ah
Kim Hyang-ki
Jeon Mi-seon
Kim Myeong-gook
Kim Yeo-jin
Kim Ye-ryeong
Lee Ki-woo
Min Ah-ryeong
Chae Sang-woo
Ji Woo
Lee Seung-yeon 
Kwon Hyeong-jin
Song Yoon-ah
Kim Hyang-ki
Jeon Mi-seon
Kim Myeong-gook
Kim Yeo-jin
Kim Ye-ryeong
Lee Ki-woo
Min Ah-ryeong
Chae Sang-woo
Ji Woo
Lee Seung-yeon 
Song Yoon-ah
Kim Hyang-ki
Jeon Mi-seon
Kim Myeong-gook
Kim Yeo-jin
Kim Ye-ryeong
Lee Ki-woo
Min Ah-ryeong
Chae Sang-woo
Ji Woo
Lee Seung-yeon 

Monday, April 2, 2012


Inilah sountrack dari Drama korea Full House
Silahkan menikmati

1.Track 1

2. Track 2

3.Track 3

4.Track 4

5.Track 5

6.Track 6

7.Track 7

8.Track 8

9.Track 9

10.Track 10

Legian Beach

The Legian Beach starts from the street and since there is no access to public transport, there is a sidewalk that extends from the Jayakarta Hotel Legian Beach Hotel. Legian Beach gives you more than a season of feel and offer more activities on the beach than normal. You can go to a bath, take a surfing lesson, canoeing in some months, playing beach olleyball or maybe you just are and take the sun. If this is not enough, you can walk along the beach sidewalk and maybe stop by cocktails, drawing some pool, or get a massage. Legian Beach is a place fashion for drag night; you live here music bars along the beach restaurants, Mexican food Mediterranean cuisine. There are a number of cottages, bungalows and luxury hotels that includes exclusive along the beach and can enjoy easy access to these beach homes. The beach is complete emotion and the tropical concerned.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Bali for few years awarded as the world best island by The International Travel Magazine. There, however, are still many people who do not know in depth about the uniqueness of Balinese culture.